Hacienda San Antonio Yaxche


Hecelchekan Municipality
Campeche, Mexico
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After visiting the beautifully restored haciendas of Yucatan and Campeche states it is educational (as well as mesmerizing) to stop at a still-abandoned one, like Hacienda San Antonio Yaxche. Located just off the old Merida-Campeche Highway between Hopelchen and the state border, Hacienda San Antonio Yaxche is atmospheric and evokes the splendor (and mechanical advancement) of the henequen era. The hacienda isn't really open to the public but lies only a few hundred yards from the road to Hecelchekan and Xcalumkin Archeological Zone - local residents don't seem to mind people poking around in the ruins.

How to Get There: From Highway 261, turn west on the road that leads to Nohalal and Hecelchekan. Where the road forks, bear left and drive a few hundred yards to the hacienda and town of San Antonio Yaxche.
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