Nearest major airport to Cannes, France:

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International airports near Cannes, France

Domestic airports near Cannes, France

Local airports near Cannes, France

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Nearest major airport to Cannes, France

The closest major airport to Cannes, France is Nice Côte d'Azur Airport (NCE / LFMN). This airport is in Nice, France and is 27 km from the center of Cannes, France. If you're looking for international or domestic flights to NCE, check the airlines that fly to NCE.

Search for direct flights from your hometown and find hotels near Cannes, France, or scroll up for more international airports or domestic airports. You can also browse local airports if you're a pilot.

Cannes, France

City: Cannes
Region: Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur
Country: France
Category: cities

Nearest airports

Travelmath helps you find the closest airport to any city, as well as a list of smaller local airports. You can use these pages to plan your trip and figure out the easiest way to get to your destination. Many times there are multiple airports near the city you want to visit, so you can often find a cheaper flight into a different airport. This is especially useful if you are getting a rental car, since it might be better to drive a bit farther in order to save money on airfare. If you're booking an international flight, you probably want the closest major airport, otherwise if you're a pilot you may be looking for a local airport. Use this tool along with the flight distance pages to plan your travel.

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