Assere Neustadt

By far Dresden's most lively district, the Outer Neustadt is the area to the northeast of Albertplatz. Originally an economically and culturally unimportant poor man's quarter, it was neglected by British and American bombers in World War II. The city's catastrophe became the Neustadt's opportunity to gain attention - although the quarter continued to deteriorate after the War, young folks and bohemian artists took over the neighborhood and deeply influenced the character it now has. Some of the pubs and clubs that had emerged during the Communist regime, like the Planwirtschaft, do still exist, even though their appearance and character have altered since then. The German Reunification of 1990 made West German real estate enterprises keen to renovate the old turn-of-the-century houses, and it attracted more students and businessmen willing to rent or buy apartments. Progressively, the Neustadt's temper and charm have changed, its alternative culture partially moved to the quarter's outer parts. The Outer Neustadt is marked by its population's heterogeneity: punk teens with giant dogs sleeping rough, hip-hop kids wearing only the latest American brand outfits, white-faced people with black clothing locally referred to as Grufties (Goths), young, well-off entrepreneurs running Internet companies, lots of students from all over the country, and of course, those who have been living here since they were born. It is a peculiar mishmash, but also an intriguing one. The list of places to visit encompasses bars like Déjà Vu or Scheunecafé, innovative upscale boutiques such as Koma, the gorgeous Martin Luther Church and Pfund's Molkerei, billing itself the world's most beautiful milk shop.
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