Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument

NileGuide Expert Says:

The weather can change in an instant here. Be prepared for all types of weather--you won't want to miss anything.


Montana, MT 59022




On June 26, 1876, the greatest battle of the Indian Wars in the American West was fought just 60 miles from what is today Billings, Montana.  General George Custer led his 7th Cavalry in a surprise attack against an encampment of thousands of Lakota and Cheyenne.  Underestimating the size of the camp and the number of warriors, the 7th Cavalry was vastly outnumbered and subsequently defeated.  Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, the Lakota and Cheyenne won an incredible victory.  Every member of Custer's Battalion (including Custer) was killed.  The event became epic—becoming the focus of dime novels, touring shows, and a century of historical research.  The battlefield almost immediately became a tourist destination, and continues to draw visitors from around the world. 

Until 1991, the site was called "Custer's National Battlefield."  The new name is more sympathetic to the native perspective (and allows the idea that Custer was no hero), and has subtly changed the purpose and feel of the place.   In 1890, marble markers were placed around the battlefield where members of the cavalry fell.  Finally in 1999, red granite markers joined them to mark where Native American warriors fell defending their way of life. 

When you visit the Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument, you can walk the battlefield grounds, visit the cemetery, see historic monuments, and tour a descent museum.  The grounds are humbling, and Each June, hundreds of historic re-enactors act out the battle for a big crowd, and is one of the best annual events held in Montana. 


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