Semana Santa


Everywhere in Mexico
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
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NileGuide Expert tip:

This is a great time to pick your favorite beach and stay put. You don't want to be out driving on the highways while everyone else is trying to get to the beach.


In Mexico, Easter is much more than a quick visit to church, Easter baskets and chocolate bunnies. For most of the country it is an almost two week period of ceremony, worship and celebration, (with the emphasis on celebration if you happen to be in Puerto Vallarta). You can look up the rich religious history behind the world-wide Christian celebrations of Semana Santa yourself. Here we will to focus on what Semana Santa is like for visitors to Puerto Vallarta when thousands of inland Mexicans head for the coastal beaches. In Puerto Vallarta, the buses from Guadalajara, Mexico City and everyplace in between start to arrive the Friday before Palm Sunday –and they just keep coming. The beaches, on the weekends, will seem to have more people than sand, but that's no reason to stay away. The Malecon, in the evenings, will be full of celebrators but there are more than enough great restaurants to handle the throbbing crowds. Don't be afraid to join in the party atmosphere. Schools are closed for two weeks, so expect crowds for both the week before and the week following Easter.
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