Museo dell'Opera del Duomo (Duomo Works Museum)

NileGuide Expert Says:

Check out the Pieta` by Michelangelo and the original Gates of Paradise by Ghiberti!

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Piazza del Duomo 9
Directly behind the dome end of the cathedral
50122 Florence, Italy


+39 055 230 2885

NileGuide Expert tip:

Donatello's Magdalene is absolutely lifelike which was sculpted out of wood.


Museo dell' Opera del Duomo was established in 1296 to supervise the construction of the Duomo and bell tower. In 1436, the Duomo was finished and the catedral was consecrated in which became a main task of the institution to preserve the monument. In 1891 the museum was renovated to hold all the works of art from over the centuries that were removed from the Duomo and the Baptistery of San Giovanni. What exists inside this museum are all the precious artwork that were taken in to be protected from the elements. The renovation of the museum took place from 1998 to 2000. Some of the most famous works that are currently being renovated and still live on inside these walls is Lorenzo Ghiberti's original bronze panels from the Baptistery's "Gates of Paradise". They are shown under the natural daylight enclosed in a courtyard. Ghiberti spent 27 years of his life in completely this masterpiece.


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