Old Post Office Tower


900 Ohio Drive, SW
Washington DC, DC 20242




The Old Post Office is a special treat for locals and visitors – it's the second highest point in DC and is located only three blocks from the Washington Monument! February to July bring long lines to go up to the top of the Washington Monument. After visiting the monument grounds, skip the elevator line and head for the 315-foot Old Post Office Tower. Built in 1899 as the main US post office, the renovated building was re-opened in 1983 and is breathtakingly beautiful inside with wide-open spaces, eateries and shops. The Tower observation deck can be windy during the winter but visitors can always warm up afterwards with cocoa from one of the Pavilion's cafes. National Park Service rangers host the tower tours (free), they begin every five minutes at the glass elevator on the stage level inside the Pavilion. On Thursday evenings you can witness the ringing of the Congressional Bells, a gift from Great Britain in 1976 for the US bicentennial. Replicas of those at Westminster Abby, the bells range from 581 to 2953 pounds and reside at the Old Post Office. The Congressional Bells ring for a full peal (three and a half hours) when Congress opens or closes and for other special occasions such as Presidential Inaugurations. Thursday evening peals are the weekly practice sessions of the bells' stewards.


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