Educational in Athens

Learning is fun in Athens, a city that lives and breathes three centuries of history, culture, and art. We've compiled the top ten educational activities that will keep curious minds engaged whether young or old. All of our activities are friendly to English speakers as well as Greek speakers, however some of the exhibits might require assistance from those who work there or a native speaker.

First on our list is the Athens Children Museum with its constantly evolving program to help little ones learn about the world through their senses and structured activities. The museum is even happy to organize guided walks through Plaka directed toward kids, helping them see the city in a way they'll remember forever. The Hellenic Cosmos is close behind with its high tech presentations and virtual reality tours of ancient Greece. After the tour, we recommend going through the real thing with a visit to the Ancient Agora; the Stoa of Attalos has been converted into an extraordinary museum with informative placards underneath everyday objects used by the ancient Athenians. We also love the New Acropolis Museum for its combined use of grand displays, detailed models, and especially a helpful video presented on the third floor that gives us a firm understanding of the importance of the Acropolis as well as a recreation of events through the years that changed its appearance.

Athens is a city that's blessed with good weather; no need to do all of your learning inside. Go to the coastal suburb of Glyfada and learn all about the endangered loggerhead sea turtle and even get a chance to meet a few in rehabilitation. Farther north is the excellent zoo of Attica where kids and grown ups learn about biodiversity through coming face to face with a wild array of over 2,000 live animals. A dinosaur park and ocean park are soon to be added to the zoo's attractions which already include a dolphinareum and the third largest aviary collection in the world. Go on a spelunking expedition through the Koutouki Cave, rigged with colorful lights to highlight the subterranean world and all of its bizarre, geological formations.

Greek Children's Museum

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14 Kydathineon Street

The best way to keep little hands busy in Plaka...
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Hellenic Cosmos

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expert pick

254 Pireos
(next to the Athens School of Fine Arts)

A virtual reality trip to Ancient Greece...
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Ancient Agora

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Adrianou Street

Follow the footsteps of Socrates...
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Sea Turtle Rescue Center

expert pick

Solomou 57

Spend an afternoon in Glyfada with endangered sea turtles...
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Goulandris Museum of Natural History (The)

user rating

Levidou Street 13

From fossils to rare plants...
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Koutouki Cave

expert pick

Mount Imittos (4 km from Peania)

Mysteries of the underworld...
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Greek House

Dragoumi St. 7

A house for learning all things Greek...
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Athens Planetarium

Singru 387

Viewing Space...
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The New Acropolis Museum

Διονυσίου Αεροπαγίτου 15, Αθήνα 11742, Greece

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National History Museum (Old Parliament)

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13 Stadiou Street

Rooms upon Rooms of Greek Folklore and Legacy...
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